Space Station | Unreal 4
A project to learn how to navigate the Unreal 4 engine. Created a Space Station scene inspired by a tabletop campaign that I am in the middle of creating.
All assets are from the Unreal Marketplace, except for the human model, which was retrieved, as well as its animations, from Mixamo ( The lighting was a mixture of baked and dynamic lighting, allowing it to potentially be used as a in-game level.
Technical Information:
Particles: There are many particles in the level, such as steam vents and air particulates, that add alot to the atmosphere.
Lighting: Most of the light itself is static, allowing for baking, but the emergency lights are dynamic and are controlled by hitting the 1 or 2 key via a custom blueprint.
Character: The animation of the character is set via a custom blueprint that after a certain amount of time it is to reset its location and begin walking again. The main purpose of this was to test another script that would cause the doors to open upon collision with a set of invisible boxes that work as triggers.
Sound: There are sounds everywhere in this scene. I was able to find a bunch of sounds from the game "Alien Isolation" available online. Various volumes of creaking and humming for the background noises, hissing for the steam vents, and buzzing for all overhead lights.
Vending Machine: So normally a vending machine is a vending machine, but I had so much fun with this that I wanted to make its own little section. I spent alot of time figuring out how to make it seem like one is broken and out of order. The flashing lights are controlled via a blueprint that is set to a random interval, and to even make that work I had to open the model itself and separate some components so the light seems like its shining through the front panel.